Posts tagged with brooklynsaddhu
Giri Baba
2016-01-11 14:16:00 UTCSeptember, 2015 I was sick, really sick! I’d made the hike up to the Gaumukh Glacier, source of the Ganges, and back but just barely. I was dehydrated and malnourished, unable to keep anything down. Old knee and back injuries screamed loudly after the continual ascents, descents and weight of…
2016-01-09 21:52:00 UTCPosted by steven greaves photography on March 11, 2013 · After spending early 2013 in the U.K., I am back home in New York plotting and scheming new projects and stories and, hopefully, an extended journey sometime later this year. Stay tuned! Images, shot last year, are showing up on…
2016-01-09 21:51:00 UTCPosted by steven greaves photography on October 24, 2011 · occupy.inside.out– During the weekend of October 15th and 16th, Steven Greaves teamed up with photographer Charles Meacham to shoot 99 portraits of everyday working Americans to represent the 99% of the population who find themselves under-represented in our current political…
2016-01-09 21:46:00 UTCPosted by steven greaves photography on June 9, 2010 · Like some Tom Clancy novel, my first commissioned article unfolded as if some kind of cold-war spy thriller. Asked to join Matt Carr, a seasoned journalist and author, for a Geographical Magazine article, we met in Istanbul, Turkey where he…
2016-01-09 21:43:00 UTCPosted by steven greaves photography on May 15, 2010 · 2 Comments The summer sun bakes the plains of the Indian subcontinent and, with it, Varanasi. Cows meander aimlessly in the narrow alleys finding shade where they can. The flies swarm in piles of cow shit as it bakes in…
2016-01-09 21:41:00 UTCPosted by steven greaves photography on April 22, 2010 · 1 Comment Although the story of Terre des Oublis continues, I will no longer be a contributor. While I embark on other journeys in Africa and Asia, those that struggle here will continue to pen their tales. Ishmael will, as…
2016-01-09 21:38:00 UTCPosted by steven greaves photography on April 22, 2010 · There has been little reprieve and I smell the fear in the stagnant and smoke-filled air that circulates the squat. In an unusual show of prowess, the CRS have raided “Africa House” three times this week. I suspect the orders…
2016-01-09 21:33:00 UTCPosted by steven greaves photography on April 8, 2010 · 1 Comment After seeing some really bad photojournalism from Calais that got published in Le Monde (France’s newspaper of record), I have realized that I must now wear both hats in tandem- that of the photojournalist and that of the…
2016-01-09 21:32:00 UTCPosted by steven greaves photography on April 2, 2010 · 1 Comment Feel free to slight our President or members of Congress; they often deserve the barbs we launch. Feel free to burn the flag; as determined by those on the bench, it is a form of speech. Feel free…
2016-01-09 21:29:00 UTCPosted by steven greaves photography on March 20, 2010 · 1 Comment At 9am this morning, asylum seekers in France woke to cries of “Police! Police!” These boys and men, mostly Sudanese from Darfur, had taken up refuge in an abandoned warehouse in the port town of Calais. The small…
2016-01-09 21:28:00 UTCPosted by steven greaves photography on March 14, 2010 · Throughout the project with Sudanese and Afghan asylum seekers in Calais, I have noticed the charity of others. From the elderly woman who, following her moral compass and flouting national laws, harbors female refugees to the young girl who ran…
2016-01-09 21:26:00 UTCPosted by steven greaves photography on March 11, 2010 · 1 Comment In the foothills of the French Pyrenees, a few miles outside of Mirepoix, boys from around the world become men. They have come from all corners of the globe- Brazil, Nepal, Russia, Romania, the United Kingdom and the…
2016-01-09 21:24:00 UTCPosted by steven greaves photography on February 27, 2010 · 1 Comment In February, the fires burn day and night. There is a chill in the air and the clouds hang low on the horizon. The sun is trying to break through but the rains fight back; they always do.…
2016-01-09 21:22:00 UTCPosted by steven greaves photography on February 11, 2010 · 1 Comment Last day in Lisboa….and not happy about it. Said to owe its’ origins to Ulysses and dating back 1200 years before Christ, this city is old. Having been controlled by the Romans, the Moors and the crusading Christians,…
2016-01-09 21:18:00 UTCPosted by steven greaves photography on February 3, 2010 · 1 Comment Han is the baby of the bunch. At 21, his experiences are limited when compared to his colleagues, all of whom are Afghan/Pakistani asylum seekers. None see a division between the two countries and see both countries as…
2016-01-09 21:14:00 UTCPosted by steven greaves photography on January 22, 2010 · 3 Comments “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth.” (Matthew 5:5) It is cold…. but not cold enough. There is no moon and “the jungle” is cloaked in darkness. A small fire burns faintly in the distance…
2016-01-09 21:10:00 UTCPosted by steven greaves photography on January 15, 2010 · 2 Comments I sit here looking out the window. The harbor’s not too far away and in the mist some 45 minutes away is England. I wonder how many have tried to make the crossing tonight. I sit here looking…
2016-01-09 21:03:00 UTCPosted by steven greaves photography on January 2, 2010 · 3 Comments A Nigerian strikes fear into the heart of a nation on Christmas day and, with it, airline restrictions are again tightened. I arrived at JFK international airport in New York well ahead of schedule knowing that security would…
I Begin
2016-01-09 20:57:00 UTCPosted by steven greaves photography on November 28, 2009 · 6 Comments “Which is worse, to be too often protected, and thereby forget the sufferings of others, or to suffer them oneself?” – William T. Vollman, “The Atlas.” With trepidation, I begin. I’m throwing the dice. As I’ve heard it…